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Eurosonic/Noorderslag 2004
Eurosonic/Noorderslag 2005
Eurosonic/Noorderslag 2006


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. . Goi dag op Gronical, ofwel moi! . .
Op alle items op deze site berust auteursrecht (c) '03 Mail Gronical


Blaadjes en vierkante wielen

Omdat herhaling de kracht is van reclame:

All the leaves are brown,
And the train is late
I’ve been waiting here all morning
Seems I'm gonna stay

In wind and rain it’s cold,
Coffee’s too expensive to pay
The ticket’s twenty euro,
Sorry for the delay

If time turned only back for four years
I know i’m gonna stay
This is square-wheeld railway dreaming
On an cold dutch day.

geplaatst door Jan-Willem 23:09

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